Fri 27.01 → 19:00-23:00
Sharing an embryonic presentation of her research project with an intimate audience
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Excerpt Interne_4’s application form (GV7C 2.4 2017):
Describe what your focus will be during your residency in Gouvernement.
I will be working on ICHI-GO ICHI-E (a japanese saying meaning ‘one time, one meeting’ or ‘each moment, only once, never again’) an initial investigation into my new solo performance. I’d like this work to be an intimate encounter between myself and the audience about an awareness towards the here and now, the self, nature and the others. I’d like to investigate new ways of communication and interpretation.
Through a ceremonial play with space, time, movement and the voice I hope we will start to see things differently, trying to read and understand, and trying to connect to ourselves, to time and who or what surrounds us in a more natural way.
In these times, without the time to take our time, I’d like to put things on hold, leave some room for emptiness, from which we can observe again.
I was inspired by a.o. Zen-Buddhism and tea rituals. The latter has been influential because of their potentiality to rearrange space, actions and sensory experiences in terms of a social meeting.
I’d also like to mention Wolfgang Laib, who is a very inspiring artist to me in this process.
Engaging in a dialogue with other artists is of vital importance in this creative process. Not only by reading or seeing their work, but also by inviting a variety of people during my research. Doing so, my work is not only “about” meeting but also takes shape “through” meeting.
* INTERNEN is Gouvernement’s residency program focused on research, experiment and innovation. Participants will be granted 4 weeks of investigation in an embryonic process. Be it very first steps or off-track maneuvers, the accent lies on development rather than on result. It’s about trying, failing and trying again. There are no restrictions on disciplines or themes.