Jarne Van Loon is working on his graduation performance project ICQ in the NWNM-studios. This proces will be conducted together with five performers (Lucie Plasschaert, Nona Demey Gallagher, Elisabeth Klinck, Arend Peeters en Celestes De Vlam), choreographer and dancer Emiel Vandenberghe, costume designer Louis Verlinde and music producer Aram Santy.
ICQ zooms in on the after of the afterparty. What happens after the climax? Which memories remain and what feeling keeps shimmering? This will be the starting point to get some work done on the floor. Also the conceptual fine tuning will be competed . There will be a whole lot of reading, writing and brainstorming.
ICQ premieres on Tuesday April 19th in Theater Tinnenpot in Gent with additional shows on Wednesday April 20th and Thursday 21st. A reprise of the performance can be seen at the drama-festival at Campo Nieuwpoort on the 24th, 25th and 26th of June.