Part of Konnektor
The photographic research project Tussen/Pool by Evergem-born architect-photographer Simen Lambrecht consist of portraits of Kerkbrugge-Langerbrugge’s inhabitants that enter into a dialogue with observations inside the former electricity plant. Using diverse photographical techniques and an architectural view, the artist imagines the history and the current everyday life of the village. This reprise of the Konnektor open air exhibition from last year runs until the 28th of november in the entry hall of CC De Stroming.
In collaboration with the heritage project Evergem Ontrafeld of the municipality of Evergem
Your visit to Tussen/Pool:
Location: CC De Stroming – Weststraat 31, Evergem
On view by appointment and one hour before showtime (at night or in the weekend) More information on the program through this link.
Contact: of 09 358 51 00.