Building Castles in the Sky

What would your neigh­bour­hood look like if it were up to you? What would you want to add to your neigh­bour­hood? What would it take to make an exis­ting pla­ce your own? With Building Castles in the Sky, Gouvernement, together with a group of makers, is trans­for­ming the spa­ti­al desi­res of a young gene­ra­ti­on of inha­bi­tants of Ghent into uni­que cre­a­ti­ons in the city.

From a rich sour­ce of yout­h­ful ima­gi­na­ti­on, a num­ber of artists trans­la­te both the most com­mon and the most uni­que ide­as. How do you make an end­less scarf that keeps the who­le street warm? Where in the city do you recre­a­te your favou­ri­te video game life-size? And what if the city was an amu­se­ment park? As archi­tects and mas­ter buil­ders, young peo­p­le gui­de the artists in this process.

All works will be com­bi­ned in a wal­king rou­te in the nor­thern part of Ghent with CAMPO BOMA as the cen­tral mee­ting pla­ce. When you buy a tic­ket, you will recei­ve an iti­ne­ra­ry and a maga­zi­ne with the secrets of each art­work, detai­led infor­ma­ti­on about the loca­ti­ons and times of per­for­man­ces. Your tic­ket is valid for a full week­end. Complete the trail in sta­ges, at your own pace, alo­ne or in good company.

Participating artists and orga­ni­sa­ti­ons: 019, Hamza Abu Ayyash, Bebe Books, Floris Baeke, Martha Balthazar, Zeli Bauwens, Idries Bensbaho, Sixtine Bérard, Celebr8 cult­ca­kes, OKAN klas­sen van Lore Degrieck, Fatih Devos, Reinout Dewulf, Dominique De Groen, Firas El Hallak, DKO klas van Sarah Eyckerman, Ilke Gers, Micha Goldberg, Madonna Lenaert, Minus One, Ocup vzw, Lieselotte Sidikki, Splinter vzw, Painting VR, Miet Warlop, deco­ra­te­lier Jozef Wouters, Manoeuvre


> Book your tickets on



Weekend 1 | 5 until 7 April | Book your ticket
Weekend 2 | 12 until 14 April | Book your ticket
Weekend 3 | 19 until 21 April | Book your ticket

OPENING HOURS (each weekend)

Friday | 16.00 until 22.00
Saturday | 14.00 until 20.00
Sunday | 12.00 until 18.00


To start the tour, drop by CAMPO boma (Bomastraat 35, 9000 Ghent) with your ticket during the opening hours of Building Castles in the Sky. At Campo boma you will receive a walking itinerary and a magazine with the secrets of each artwork, detailed information about the locations and times of performances. Your ticket is valid for a full weekend and grants you access to all the works.


  • € 22/ 18 / 14 (pay what you can)



All locations on the route are wheelchair accessible except CAMPO victoria (Fratersplein 7, 9000 Ghent).