[Event] Child’s play as a strategy

@ het TheaterFestival 2024

BREAKFASTCLUB is an inti­ma­te mee­ting with an artis­tic pro­po­sal and with each other. During a mee­ting at an unu­su­al time with a snack and a drink as a bin­ding fac­tor, other ways of sha­ring, loo­king and expe­rien­cing beco­me pos­si­ble. Gouvernement’s con­cept com­bi­nes artists’ pre­sen­ta­ti­on moments with a mode­ra­ted con­ver­sa­ti­on on the the­mes evo­ked by the works on show.

In the context of het TheaterFestival, we are putting together a programme with Art Science students at UGent on young people and children as artistic partners. Together, we ask how children’s play can be an artistic tool. We first watch Divinations (2019) by Sarah Vanagt, in which children in Brussels, Sarajevo and Athens predict the future using a projection of materials they found on the street. Afterwards, Mats Vandroogenbroeck and Jonas Baeke will provide a reading of their brand-new children’s book Bambiraptor, based on the children’s show of the same name. 

All this will prompt a conversation with multidisciplinary artist Junior Akwety, artistic pedagogue Maily Beyrens Xu and artistic director of Ghent theatre for preschoolers 4Hoog Simon D’Huyvetter



Lauren Borremans, Vincent Focquet, Marie Umuhoza en Nele Keukelier


Sarah Vanagt, Mats Vandroogenbroeck, Jonas Baeke, Junior Akwety, Maily Beyrens Xu, Simon D’Huyvetter




KAAP, VIERNULVIER, STUK, Campo, De Studio, Het Theaterfestival, Rekto:Verso, Universiteit Gent en De Vlaamse Gemeenschap

10 september 2024 from 8:30 until 10:30

DE SINGEL, Desguinlei 25, 2018 Antwerpen

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